Saturday, September 7, 2013

Get Serious about Interpretation

The discovery of truth and the proper interpretation of God’s Word are paramount in knowing God, responding to Him in obedience, and for the mission of reaching and teaching others for His glory.  The understanding of interpreting the Scriptures grows more complex from the simple embrace of gospel into a shared unity with the transcendent God. There should be an ever growing approach to be approved by God as a student of Scripture (2 Tim 2:15).  We should never settle for anything less. 

As we handle the Word of God and grow in our ability to shoulder the responsibility of its proper interpretation, I hope that our work would claim the highest security clearance in view of the holy presence of the Lord.  Our delivery of His great treasure should stand alongside the priority of prayer.  No other gift should find level comparison with the preacher or teacher.   

The measure of correctness and clarity in understanding and proclaiming the word of God in our times should cause today’s interpreters of Scripture to be more vigilant than ever.  In our day, it is more en vogue to be subjectively creative in miscommunicating the meaning of Scripture than to inductively study the Bible, using an exegetical process that seeks to understand the author of the text or what God means by what is said.  It is amazing to hear more and more individuals articulate ‘their story’ as the vehicle of relevant communication of God’s Word above the biblical text itself.  Hearing this kind of religious communication or sermonizing seems to allow the right interpretation of the text to fall flat.

If only the seriousness of getting the right interpretation of what God is communicating would light upon ministers today in similar fashion as in the demand of King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 2, “Give me the interpretation!”  There is no room for creative oration.  Only an accurate account of what God is communicating will save not only our souls, but the souls of those associated with us.

So, I am back to the drawing board, so to speak.  I love ink covered pages that unfold the truth of God’s Word.  More than ever before, a passion for a faithful pursuit and communication of His Word is demanded.  God’s people need the proper interpretation of God’s Word and the world we live in demands that we cut it straight when it comes to the truth.